Ibiza, Spain

April 7, 2010


A beautiful day in paradise.  Cool, with soft breezes and the sun popping out from behind the overcast.  When we first went ashore, I was not impressed.  It was block after block of new, but not fancy, apartment buildings with some miscellaneous stores scattered around.  After a trip to a hardware store, Adele went her way and I went mine.
I headed for where I thought the “old town” would be, and for once I was right.  A very colorful neighborhood of old shops and residences on winding streets was my reward.  My goal was to get up to the fortress and cathedral which loom over the town.  I headed uphill toward the fortress walls and soon found myself at a nice overlook, complete with cannons.  While I was taking some pictures, Vicky and Ted Harwood (our dining companions) caught up with me.  With them as motivation, I climbed to the cathedral on steep, cobbled streets.  Once again, there were neat little shops and residences to peek into.
The cathedral was very pretty, but not at all spectacular.  We looked inside, took a few pictures and headed back to the ship for lunch (couldn’t miss that!).


Ibiza Photos